Undeclared Gluten ingredients warning


Undeclared ingredients may be present in Gluten Free products manufactured in the USA. Read the CCA Statement here

CCA UPDATE_Food Products in Canada-US

CCA continues to consult with and monitor Health Canada regarding the announcement that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has made steps to address potential disruption in Canada’s food supply including temporarily suspending enforcement of certain food labelling requirements.
“Currently, the CFIA’s action allows products made in Canada that were originally destined for foodservice use in the U.S. to be sold at retail in Canada, under certain conditions.” Given that the food market has stabilized, the likelihood is low but we recommend consumers should still be alert.
Manufacturers who decide this route have been instructed by Health Canada to follow enhanced labelling requirements and to be cautious of barley-based ingredients such as malt flavour or extract and yeast extracts (especially autolyzed yeast extract). Read More: CCA UPDATE_Food Products in Canada-US