Celiac Edmonton Click the invitation for tickets & details—join the celebration! The Edmonton Chapter serves people adversely affected by gluten with education, support, social events, and a variety of programs for all ages. Photo by benedek Eating and Shopping Locally Eating and shopping gluten free in Edmonton has never been easier. Gluten free diet The gluten free diet is absolutely necessary if you have celiac disease or other gluten related disorders. Resources & Tools Canada Revenue Agency does allow a tax deduction for the purchase of gluten free products. Celiac Disease If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with celiac disease or other gluten related disorders, you probably have a lot of questions. Caring for a child with celiac As a parent, having a child with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity means you’re going to have to pay a bit more attention to what’s in your child’s food. Get involved Want to help out Celiac Edmonton? There are many ways to support the chapter. Volunteer, make a donation, attend an event. It all makes a difference. Kids’ Gluten-free Guide Download Here