Celiac Edmonton - celebrating 40 Years of Support in northern alberta
About Celiac Edmonton
Our legal name is the Canadian Celiac Association, Edmonton Chapter. We were one of the first chapters formed after Celiac Canada (formerly the Canadian Celiac Association) was founded in 1973. The Edmonton Chapter was established in 1980 by Jeanne Jones and officially incorporated in 1984.
At Celiac Edmonton, our mission is to support individuals with celiac disease and gluten-related disorders in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Over the years, we’ve evolved from being a traditional support network to empowering our community with trusted information, resources, and local connections. While information about gluten-free living is now more accessible online, navigating what’s reliable and finding local options can still be challenging. That’s where we step in to help.
What We Offer
Celiac Edmonton provides a variety of programs and services to meet the needs of our community, including:
• Gluten-Free Living 101 Workshops: These include grocery store tours and dining experiences to help individuals transition to a gluten-free lifestyle confidently.
• Social Events: Gluten-free dinners, lunches, and an annual holiday party for families.
• Support Groups for Kids and Teens: Programs like Celiac Kids Rock and the Celiac Youth Group offer connection and encouragement for younger members.
• Educational Resources: The Celiac Circular newsletter features local events, practical tips, and community updates.
• Fundraising Events: Our Ride Walk Run for Celiac takes place every September, and we host a gluten-free pancake breakfast each July.
We are continually growing and adapting to meet the evolving needs of our community. Volunteers play a vital role in keeping Celiac Edmonton vibrant and forward-thinking.
Join us in our mission or get in touch at info@celiacedmonton.ca to learn more about our board, committees, or upcoming events.
Your Celiac Edmonton Team
The board of directors and committees of the Edmonton Chapter are made up of dedicated volunteers committed to contributing to the celiac community in northern Alberta. New volunteers are always welcome.
If you’d like to contribute to the work we do, consider volunteering for the board or serving on a committee. Your participation will help us continue to support and advocate for those with celiac and other gluten related disorders and ensure that people impacted by this in our community have the assistance they need.
Board of Directors
Seán Murphy, President
Seán is new to Celiac Edmonton and to the board. Two of Seán’s immediate family members have celiac disease
and he lives in a gluten-free household. He is well versed in the challenges facing the celiac community. Seán’s
family has found the information and support provided by Celiac Edmonton to be very helpful in managing their
celiac disease, and he is joining the board as a way of giving back and supporting others with this disease. Seán is
recently retired from the Alberta Public Service and has experience on several professional and volunteer boards
in the Edmonton area.
Gary Marcellus, Vice President
While living in Ft. McMurray in 1987 Gary was diagnosed as a celiac. Little information and gf products were
available and his mom would send a care package from Kinnikinnick for him. He bought a bread machine in
order to make bread and the results were less than stellar. “Nowadays so much information is available through
Celiac Canada and other sources. I always trust information from Celiac Canada, while internet information
might not be as accurate. All grocery stores now have products. The Edmonton Chapter provides many events
and programs for the membership. I would encourage all members to read the newsletter and check the
website for events and programs”.
Renée Giorgi - Treasurer
Renée is a professional bookkeeper and tax preparer who has served on numerous boards in various positions
and is excited to join the Celiac Edmonton Board as Treasurer. Renée was diagnosed in 2017 with celiac disease
and gluten ataxia, with an upgrade to refractory celiac disease in 2022. In her spare time, she enjoys time in
nature, hiking and adventuring with her French bulldog Louis Vuitton, travelling, and is an avid hobby cook and
foodie. She is honoured to have the opportunity to serve the celiac community, which has been a wealth of
information and support in her journey.
Samantha Cyrkot - Secretary
Samantha joined the Board of Celiac Edmonton in 2020. She began as a Director-at-Large before taking on the
role of Secretary. While she does not personally have celiac disease, she is very knowledgeable about it as she
completed a Master’s degree on this topic and is currently a health researcher in child health. Samantha is
excited for another great year on the Board and looks forward to connecting with the celiac community.
Monica Istvan, Director-at-Large
Through a long diagnosis process, Monica, a now confirmed celiac who has eaten gluten free for 23 years after
her primary care physician suggested professional counseling in response to her symptoms. Thankfully she was
pointed to the gluten-free diet by a chiropractor. Monica joined the board in October 2012. She has planned and
organized some major spring suppers of which the gluten free Chinese supper at The Lingnan has been most
Leanne Townsend, Director-at-Large
Leanne was diagnosed in 2016 and is the only person with diagnosed Celiac disease in her extended family. She
was looking for a way to participate with others in the community when she stumbled upon the Edmonton
Chapter of the Canadian Celiac Association (Celiac Edmonton). She started her time with the association as the
Treasurer for the past 3 years and is now moving over as a Director at Large and will be taking on the Casino
Chair position. Many of you will hear from me in the next 12-18 months as we gear up for our next casino.
Jillian MacDonald , Director-at-Large
Jillian was born and raised in Fort McMurray, AB, and in 2024, she and her husband made the move to Edmonton. A communications professional, she currently works for the Government of Alberta.
When Jillian was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2008, it felt like her world had just fallen apart. She actually cried over the loss of pizza and beer the moment she got the news. Back then, gluten-free options were pretty bleak—but wow, have things changed!
Jillian previously ran Gluten Free Calgary and Gluten Free Fort Mac; social media platforms dedicated to helping others navigate life with celiac disease. Now, she’s excited to bring her passion and expertise to Celiac Edmonton!
Deanna Mack, Director-at-Large
Deanna has been the nutrition educator for Celiac Edmonton since 2021. As a Registered Dietitian, she puts her
knowledge to use by assisting with Chapter programs such as GF Living 101 and the Celiac Kids Connect group.
She also joined the Board in 2022 as a Director and is thrilled to continue for another term. After being
diagnosed with celiac disease back in 2014, Deanna relied on the Chapter for guidance so she is honoured to
now give back to the community in this capacity.
Gail Atamanchuk, Director-at-Large
Gail has been a member of the Edmonton Chapter since her diagnosis of celiac 10+ years ago and is in the
second year of her term with the board. She has found working with the board very enlightening and is looking
forward to a new year of working with the Chapter to make a positive impact in the lives of those with celiac
disease in the Edmonton and Northern Alberta community. She and her husband love to travel the world when
not spending time with children and grandchildren in Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan. The celiac circle has allowed
her to share her ever evolving trove of gluten free travel tips and safe spots with other celiacs with the itch to
Breanna Romaine, Director-at-Large
New board member – bio coming soon.
Danielle McLennan, Director-at-Large
New board member – bio coming soon.
Rafiat Ahmed, Program Coordinator
Rafiat, ( pronounced Ra-fi-at) is a multi-passionate creative, lover of the outdoors, qigong, mushroom foraging, and dancing! Rafiat lives in a household with 2 members who are gluten-sensitive. She has recently taken a leap of faith and relocated to Edmonton with her family from Toronto, Ontario. Although, there were many reasons why, ultimately, following intuition, adventure, and a zest for life has led them here. Rafiat brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in community development and business as well as her personal passion for holistic wellbeing to her new role as your Program Coordinator. She believes with knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, we will continue to strengthen the celiac community.
Kate Van Driel, Administrative Assistant
Kate is passionate about mental health, overall wellbeing, and supporting individuals with unique health challenges. As someone living with celiac disease, she deeply understands how it can impact both physical and mental health. Her greatest passion in life is helping others, and she’s excited to bring this passion to her role as Administrative Assistant at Celiac Edmonton, where she works alongside myself, your Program Coordinator, to empower and support others facing similar challenges. With a background in Sociology and experience in administration, customer service, and digital marketing, Kate brings valuable skills to her work. Outside of Celiac Edmonton, Kate works in digital branding and marketing, helping businesses creatively connect with their audiences. When she’s not working, Kate enjoys meditation, fashion, singing, and music—activities that help her maintain balance and wellbeing.
Paul Tymchuk (Non Board Member)
Office Volunteer Paul was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2011. He is a long-time member of the Chapter and
he became an office volunteer in 2016. Paul answers your email and telephone enquiries and is always willing to
lend a helping hand or ear. He processes your membership applications and donations. He has volunteered at
many of our events over the years.
Advertising – Rafiat Ahmed (Coordinator)
Gluten Free Living (Education) – Deanna Mack, Connie Hilton
Casino Chair – Leanne Townsend
Membership – Paul Tymchuk
Newsletter – Vacant
Website & Social Media – Monica Istvan, (Coordinator)
New Product – Connie Hilton
Privacy Officer – Lachelle Baron
Celiac Edmonton
The Canadian Celiac Association Edmonton Chapter was incorporated on October 2, 1984, to help support people with celiac disease and other gluten related disorders in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. As our name implies, we are part of Celiac Canada (formerly the Canadian Celiac Association). In fact, we were one of its first chapters.
We are committed to building a strong celiac/gluten sensitive community through events, awareness, education, and more. As well as providing information on our website, we stay in contact with and help those with celiac disease and other gluten related disorders in Edmonton as they develop strategies to manage their condition.
Celiac Canada supports our chapter with tools and resources.
Mission Statement
A voice for the celiac and gluten intolerant community in Northern Alberta:
Celiac Canada - National Office
Celiacs in Canada are served by local chapters across the country. United, these chapters form a national body called the Celiac Canada. The purpose of the Celiac Canada is to assist its affiliated chapters, and to represent their members’ needs on a national level.
Local Chapter Listing: https://www.celiac.ca/contact-us/
Telephone: 905-507-6208 and 1-800-363-7296
Fax/Phone Answering Machine: 905-507-4673 (24 hours a day)
Website: www.celiac.ca
Office hours for the national office are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., eastern time.